Gisele Ben-Dor joins EQUINOTE in a series of programs devoted to making music and culture accessible to audiences living with disabilities.


A unique program combining music, play and science – Inspired by Beethoven’s life story, who despite his deafness continued to compose masterpieces. A story about friendship, the human spirit and its ability to overcome disabilities.


Equinote was created out of the wish to make music and culture accessible to children and adults living with physical and/or mental disabilities.

​Equinote creates, supports and promotes projects with the concept of accessibility at core. Through concerts and workshops, it raises awareness on the obstacles people living with disabilities might encounter, while promoting values of acceptance of others and diversity.

​Equinote develops new ways to experience music and culture in an accessible, enjoyable and inspirational way while maintaining high artistic quality and technological innovativeness.

To learn more about Equinote please click here.